Extra long sleeves protect your hand from spikes, thorns and stitches. The sleeves are also made of 100% leather, they feel softer and more breathable, non-toxic than faux leather.
Puncture proof pigskin padded palm and reinforced fingertips, reinforced protection for hands and gloves. Flexible design that greatly simplifies the use of garden tools.
Smooth and flexible enough for maximum comfort. Pigskin offers the best breathability of all leather gloves due to the porous texture that is dry and soft after getting wet.
WIDE APPLICATION – Effectively protect your hands from injury and puncture resistance while being exposed to cuts, scratches, sharp thorns, bites, rough material and when pruning roses, handling cacti, pruning berries and all prickly bushes.
Citrus picking, doing yardwork, garden pruning, trimming shrubs, and other unpleasantness, provides a great grip on everything you need. X000VSWFF7 114-4.1
Long Garden Gloves (leather)
17.99 € 14.99 €
1 in stock